Sutphin Home Page

Welcome to a Sutphin Home Page

(Sponsored by Mike)

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Sutphin Home Page

This picture is by JCW Designs

I'm a LEO .

Click here for audio greeting! (224k .wav file)

My Jumping Off Point to

Sutphin Family Genealogy and Other Genealogy Related Pages

Scary picture of Mike...

In Addition to My Beautiful Wife Lu, I Have Two Other Major Passions

You can view them here.

Links to the Outside World

I live in the Frederick, MD area

  • My Internet Providers are Xecunet (formerly FredNet) and Adelphia.
  • I was born and raised in Roanoke, VA

  • Roanoke Home Pages

  • Other Places to Visit

    • I enjoyed NASCAR until they started over regulating and enforcing "equality" among the manufacturers and team. The result has stifled innovation and created what amounts to IROC stock cars - boring! I remain a big fan of Fords and Ford racing.
    • For a chuckle see Dilbert

    Number of visits =
    This page last updated: April 21, 2004

    To send me e-mail, write to: