Military Veterans - Sons and Daughters of Women with Sutfin/Sutphen/Sutphin Maiden Names

Honor Roll
Sons and Daughters of Women with Sutfin/Sutphen/Sutphin Maiden Names
Military Veterans

God Bless America performed by the USAF Band and the Singing Sergeants.

This web page is dedicated to our ancestors and family members who served in the military during periods of both peace and conflict in our history. They served, fought and in some cases died to preserve our heritage, honor and way of life. We honor those who have gone before and embrace those who are with us today as the true heros of our country. Because of their service and that of their comrades, we are a free people.

       U.S. Army   U.S. Air Force   U.S. Marines   U.S. Navy   C.S.A.

United States Army

  • Woodrow Harris Davis (1917- ) s/o Lottie May Sutphin Davis (1892-1975)

    Service: U.S. Army
    Conflict: World War II

  • Albert Milton Farmer s/o Lela Jane Sutphin Farmer

    Service: U.S. Army
    Conflict: World War II

    He served in France and Germany.

  • Grady D. Farmer s/o Lela Jane Sutphin Farmer

    Service: U.S. Army
    Conflict: World War I

  • Mitchell A. Lane ( -2003) s/o Laurie D. Sands-Sutfin Lane

    Service: U.S. Army
    Dates: (?-2003)
    Conflict: War in Afganistan

    SGT First Class Lane served with the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group. He was killed on the 29th of August 2003 in Zabul, Afghanistan. He was a 16-year veteran on his second tour in Afghanistan. He died a week after the rest of his team was sent home. He volunteered to stay behind and help the new guys get oriented.

  • Lewis Vernon Pendleton (1922-2011) s/o Susie Jane Sutphin Pendleton (1902-1995)

    Service: U.S. Army
    Conflict: World War II

    Lewis served in the United States Army 99th Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge.

  • Thomas Eugene Shrewsbury (1941- ) s/o Iva Loraine Sutphin Shrewsbury (1915- )

    Service: U.S. Army
    Conflict: Cold War

    He was stationed in Germany in the 1960s.

  • Ernest Harold Sutphin (1982-2004) s/o Jackie Sutphin

    Service: U.S. Army
    Dates: 2001-2004
    Conflict: Iraq War

    Private First Class Ernest Sutphin served with the 2nd Battalion, 11th Field Artillery, Assigned to A Company, 1st Battalion, 27th Infrantry Regiment. He served as a Forward Observer with the Wolfhounds. He was a proud member of Alpha company and was proud to be a member of the Wolfhounds. From the day he arrived at Schofield he trained, rucked, fired, observed fires for, and trained, and trained, and trained some more with A Company. PFC Sutphin made the ultimate sacrifice in the War on Terrorism on 18 March 2004, while on patrol with A Company north of Hawijah, Iraq.

    United States Air Force

  • Marvin Claytor (1931-2001) s/o Mary Letitia Sutphin Claytor (1897-1985)

    Service: U.S. Air Force
    Conflict: Cold War

  • Bob Pettit s/o Gloria Sutphen Pettit (1921-1961)

    Service: U.S. Air Force
    Dates: 1964-1991
    Conflict: Cold War

    He achieved the rank of Colonel.

  • John Julious Tolbert (deceased) s/o Fannie Naomi (Sally) Sutphin Tolbert (1916-1985)

    Service: U.S. Air Force
    Dates: 195?-1955
    Conflict: Cold War

    John's brother Samuel N. Tolbert appears below.

  • Samuel N. Tolbert s/o Fannie Naomi (Sally) Sutphin Tolbert (1916-1985)

    Service: U.S. Air Force
    Dates: 1956-1960
    Conflict: Cold War

  • Grant A. Van Vranken g-g-g-grandson of Nancy Jane Sutfin Crowley ()

    Service: U.S. Air Force
    Dates: On active duty as of April 2004

    Grant is a Staff Seargent.

    United States Marines

  • Russell Eugene Davis (1923- ) s/o Lottie May Sutphin Davis (1892-1975)

    Service: U.S. Marines
    Conflict: World War II

  • George Christopher Georgeff (1949- ) s/o Clara Lee Sutphin Georgeff (1924- )

    Service: U.S. Marines
    Conflict: Viet Nam

    He served as a radio operator.

  • Colen Kelly "Monty" Montgomery (1943- ) s/o Goldie Marie Sutphin (1924- )

    Service: U.S. Marines
    Dates: 1962-1966
    Conflict: Viet Nam

    He was in Viet Nam for 3 months as an armed "advisor" in 1964, the very early days before the major fighthing began.

  • Richard Lynn Shrewsbury (1946- ) s/o Iva Loraine Sutphin Shrewsbury (1915- )

    Service: U.S. Marines
    Conflict: Cold War

    At one time he was stationed in Puerto Rico. He served during the Viet Nam era, but was never stationed there.

    United States Navy

  • Howard Leroy Davis (1929-1985 ) s/o Lottie May Sutphin (?)

    Service: U.S. Navy
    Conflict: World War II; Korean War

    During World War II he served in the Pacific Theater.

  • Hershel W. "Pop" Pitchford (1928-1985) s/o Erma Sutphin Pitchford ()

    Service: U.S. Navy
    Conflict: World War II

    Confederate Army

  • Albin Payne Ball s/o Catherine Sutphin Ball (1812-186?)

    Service: Confederate Army
    Conflict: Civil War

    He served with Mosby's Rangers.

  • William Blackard (1826-1862) s/o Eleanor Sutphin Blackard (1805-1873)

    Service: Confederate Army
    Conflict: Civil War

    He enlisted with the 24th VA Infantry. He died of disease during the war in Richmond, VA seven days after his brother Willoughy (listed below) died.

  • Willoughy Blackard (1832-1862) s/o Eleanor Sutphin Blackard (1805-1873)

    Service: Confederate Army
    Conflict: Civil War

    He enlisted with the 24th VA Infantry. He died of disease during the war in Richmond, VA seven days before his brother William (listed above) died.

  • Jackson McPeak (1830-1919) s/o Catherine/Katherine Sutphin McPeak (1810-1880)

    Service: Confederate Army
    Conflict: Civil War

    He served with the 51st VA Infantry.

  • Charles Turman (1844-186?) s/o Elizabeth Sutphin Turman (1824-1906)

    Service: Confederate Army
    Conflict: Civil War

    He was mustered into Co. G, 54th VA Infantry on 21 March 1862, in Russell Co, VA. Records do not indicate what happened to him. There is an inventory of his personal belongings, dated 1865. He probably died during the Atlanta Campaign.

  • William Gabriel Turman (1846-?) s/o Elizabeth Sutphin Turman (1824-1906)

    Service: Confederate Army
    Conflict: Civil War

    He was mustered into Co. G, 54th VA Infantry in 1863. There are no records for him in the archieves.

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