SCOL Genealogy Page

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Hello Folks,

If I may, I would like to take just a moment of your time to inform you of a genealogy e-mail network we have set up. THERE ARE NO FEES OF ANY KIND (except your normal fee for whatever service you may use...).

We have established an on-line network of some 147 folks who are researching the Sutphin name and its variants. The network is called SCOL, for

Sutfin/Sutphen/Sutphin/Zutphen Cousins On-Line.

We have been exchanging tons of information about Sut*s all the way back to the progenitor of the Sut* line in this country - Dirck Jansen van Zutphen, who immigrated from Zutphen, Holland circa 1650.

The Van Zutphen Coat of Arms

Our members are from all over the U. S., one in Canada, and one in Germany. Since all Suts in this country go back to a common ancestor, if you are interested in the Sut* surname, perhaps you might be interested in participating. At a minimum you will meet a lot of "cousins", and I for example have filled in literally thousands of Sutphins in my family line. It has been most rewarding as I have not only gained a lot of knowledge, but have made some 147 new friends. You will find the SCOL group to be a VERY nice bunch of folks. And the stories they have to tell... well, most entertaining to say the least. We have a variety of professionals in our group including doctors, engineers, university profs. and several "for real" genealogist & historians who are most helpful. You don't have to be a genealogist to participate (I'm not), and you don't have to know a lot about your ancestors (I didn't when I started).

If you think you would like to join us for a while and see what we are all about, you are most welcome.

If you would like more information about SCOL, or would like to participate, please contact Gary Sutphin via e-mail at:

Thanks for reading this...

Mike Sutphin
SCOL Founder
List Owner/Administrator Emeritus

We have a list that you may subscribe to...

You may want to subscribe to our SCOL list. There's lots of interesting data being shared by our members. This is a very upbeat group that enjoys a good laugh as we go about sharing information. Send an email to Gary Sutphin (see above) if you would like more information.

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This page last updated: April 13, 2014