SCOL DNA Project

Hello Everyone,

Over the years, many SCOL members have wondered if indeed all the Sutfin, Sutphen, Sutphin, and van Zutphens in the United States are indeed related. One of our members, Ken Sutphin, has volunteered to be the Group Administrator for a DNA study which will attempt to resolve this question. If enough folks participate, we may be able to establish with certainty that not only are we all related, but that we are all descendants of Dirck Jansen van Zutphen.

If any male SCOL member, or any other Sutfin/Sutphen/Sutphin/van Zutphen cousin would like to assist in this study, your participation would be eagerly accepted and greatly appreciated. Please read the message below from Ken for more details.

I will try and update the information and links on this page as new information becomes available.

Your SCOL Administrator,
Mike Sutphin

Hello Cousins,

We are now setup as a group for the DNA test at FTDNA. Just go to their website and search for Sutphin and you should be able to follow the prompts to join and get your test kit. Remember this is for male surnames only. I am afraid that those who have the Sutphin name through their mothers will not show up as the test is only through the male Y-chromosome. As a group we are getting discount pricing. It was suggested that we go with the 25 marker test as it will give a better result for relationships. So make sure you click on the right test at the bottom of the form. Payment is to each member to take care of at the time of registration. The cost for the 25 marker test is $169 dollars. We can set up a fund to help those who can not afford it and if anyone wants to help financially they can contact me as to how to do it. Just like your computer I need input as to your feelings and ideas.

We are placing this information on the SCOL website as well as a link to the FTDNA website to assist those Suts* who wish to join our project. I have also placed a link to SCOL on the FTDNA/Sut* website to help direct those who do a search to SCOL.

Click on this link to visit the FTDNA website.

For any one who wants to contact me directly for confidentiality or any other reason my email is

The results will take at least a month after the first rounds of tests are taken. I will keep you informed as I can. You will also be able to contact me through the FTDNA site. If anyone has any questions or needs help with this project please let me know. I plan to get on some more sites to help spread the word. The good thing about this project is that it does not end after the initial testing. Those who discover it a year from now or more can also be tested. If anyone you know who wants to take the test but does not have a computer just print out the form for them and fill it out. You can do it for them or send it to me and I will. Of all my family lines that I have contacted this one is the most informative, sharing, and has the best spirit of family. It must just be that Sutphin blood each of us has that make you all so special. I also would like to know if anyone wants to volunteer to take over as Group Administrator at a later date if for some reason I could not do this. There is a lot of info that I will share later with you but for now I leave it up to you to get online and register for your test kit. I am sure all will want to know of your experience with this project so please share it with us. After all we are your family!

Below is the chart that shows the relationship of all those who have sent in kits so far.

[Link is broken at the moment; we are working on an update. - mws]

SCOL DNA Results ...

Ken Sutphin

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This page last updated: Jul 28, 2005